Vue.js // Berlin @ 3YOURMIND

Lets talk about Vue.js, Vuex and the Vuejs ecosystem.

!!!This time @ 3YOURMIND offices.!!!

**** Presentation ****

  1. Amr Draz - React Vue Transferable Patterns

As the two most popular frameworks both eco systems have developed a set of best practice design patterns for common problems. However some patterns in one framework, like render props in React, map to different patterns in Vue, such as scoped slots. In this presentation I will talk about the patterns I brought with me from my React App development background and how they transferred them to Vue while designing a large table component.

He is the young less knowledgable version of a one day wise old man that will guide a hero on his journey to change the world. In the mean time He works as a remote senior frontend developer at 3yourmind, listen to audiobooks, dance ballroom, and read webnovels.

  1. Ian Chiles - An introduction to Parcel, a fast and easy web bundle

Ian is a software engineer from Texas who has the misfortune of writing JavaScript on a daily basis

  1. Alex Podlubnyj - WUE - WordPress Theme

The effective connection of the WordPress and Vue worlds isn’t documented yet. The default way is a headless theme and Nuxt.js SSR. But with this approach you can’t create Plug-And-Play themes. So I developed "Wue", a simple system to include Vue-SPA’s into WordPress on the fly without the need of Nuxt.js or any other fancy SSR-Systems to get fully SEO support. You cab install the “Wue"-WordPress theme just like any other WordPress theme out there.

Alex Podlubnyj is a freelance full stack developer with focus on WordPress and WooCommerce. Since last year hd also develops with Symfony and Vue.js.

We will have Coffee, Mate, Beer and Food.