Vue.js // Berlin

Lets talk about Vue.js the Vue.js ecosystem!

**** Presentation ****

  1. Juan Vidal - If you had unlimited questions to ask the world…

Juan is a VP Engineering at Dalia

  1. Katrin Kampfrath - A Quest For A Storytelling App - Adventures in the Lands of Electron and VueJs

Building Electron desktop apps is a truly full-stack experience. Luckily, VueJS and its compagnons Vue Router and Vuex not only offer the known ways to handle the desktop frontend, but also serve the data modeling and storing needs. In this talk, I will share my challenges, treasures i found along the way, and rabit holes i fell down, when building a Storytelling app.

Katrin is a freelance frontend developer as well as coach&organizer at @CSSclasses.

We will have Coffee, Mate, Beer …and probably Pizza!

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