Vue.js // Berlin

Let's talk about Vue.js the Vue.js ecosystem!

**** Presentation ****

  1. Alvaro Saburido - Deep Dive into Vue dynamic Forms

Implementing handcrafted forms can be:

Costly Time-consuming Especially if you need to create a very large form, in which the inputs are similar to each other, and they change frequently to meet rapidly changing business and regulatory requirements.

So, wouldn't it be more economical to create the forms dynamically? Based on metadata that describes the business object model?

That's Vue Dynamic Forms.

Alvaro Saburido, Frontend Software Engineer at Netcentric.

He produces creative content and contributes to open-source mainly related to Front-end (Vue) and IoT (Internet of Things). He is passionate about coding, UI/UX, electronics & loves to share knowledge in the community.

He has been doing Open Source for 2 years, mainly contributing to Vue related projects. He has been working on my extra hours on a Dynamic Forms library/plugin for Vue 2 & 3 to create forms easily based on the business logic and contribute often to Nuxt.js documentation in Spanish.

  1. Tim Benniks - I rebuilt my website. Again

I recently rebuilt the site with several tools, the combination of which is ideal for modern web development. I’m excited about the result of the revamp. Let’s see how long that thrill lasts!

Tim has worked at different agencies in Amsterdam and Paris over the past twelve years. He has been lucky enough to have had global clients like: Nike, Heineken, Google, Tommy Hil-figer, EA games, Chanel and Hermès. Next to being web development director he also has a transversal front-end lead role for the biggest global client program at Valtech. The job in-volves programming with nice technologies but also animating an international group of amazing front-end developers to a future of innovation for both Valtech and its clients. It’s all about quality and building fancy websites. A demanding job also needs balancing. Tim plays guitar and loves family time with his wife and a little corgi called Nugget.

We will have Coffee, Mate, Beer …and probably Pizza!

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