TechLabs Berlin Free Tech Bootcamp

Hello lovely people,

TechLabs Berlin is offering a free tech bootcamp and inviting everyone to check it out.

It is a totally free coding-bootcamp for motivated individuals who wish to learn how to code in only 16 weeks with their own e-learning platform and video-calls with mentors and other engaged students. They aim for three distinctive goals:

  1. Effective Learning
  2. Learning at scale without boundaries
  3. Connecting People.

And they have four learning paths: UXDesign, WebDev, Data Science and AI.

Everything completely remote!

The application deadline is 17th of April! So check it out right now!

I cannot send any attachments here as it seems so I'll just link a one-page document with all the details again:

You can of course also directly jump to their pre-registering page:

I hope you're all keeping up in these strange times. Stay positive!