Big Event Incoming!

Dear Vue'sers!

The first week of October is approaching and there will be a big event: The Conf!

There will be a live Q&A panel with Evan You and talks from many great and well known people in the community about all the important new topics raging right now.

But the best part: We moved the VueJS//Berlin meetup to just the day before, so you can meet some of the attendees and speakers from the conference right before, and warm up with two great talks:

  • Konstantin Bifert, Fullstack Dev at Passionate People, will talk about doing 3D with VueJS, ThreeJS and TroisJS and even sprinkle some TensorFlow in!
  • Jiří Kratochvíl, Senior Web Engineer at SharryTec, will tell us his story(book) about Histoire!

There will be pizza and drinks from our generous host Honeypot, who you might know already from their VueJS documentary created in 2020.

Find us on Tuesday, 4th of October, 19:00 at Honeypot GmbH Schlesische Str. 26 · Berlin.

Are you looking forward to it? I am!