Vue School Free Weekend March 18th - 19th.

Hi there,

Are you ready to catch a wave of knowledge?

Vue School is hosting a Free Weekend on March 18th-19th. Name a better way to absorb all the latest and greatest news about Vue.js and its ecosystem, than accessing the largest Vue.js library in the world of over 900 lessons on Pinia, Vite.js, TypeScript, Composition API, VS Code, Vitest, Nuxt 3, and more - for FREE!

Reasons you really need to join:

  • Access all the latest courses related to Vue.js and the broader ecosystem. Learn how to test your applications in-depth with Vitest direct from the creator, Anthony Fu; make your applications blazing-fast with Vite.js; and provide a central data store that works with both the Options API and the Composition API with Pinia. Vue School has all the courses you need to build your application with the best Vue.js stack!
  • Watch any of over 900 in-depth video lessons, designed to take you and your professional career to the next level. Check out courses like VueUse for Everyone and Build a Drag-And-Drop Trello Board with Vue.js that will guarantee a skillset upgrade in your portfolio as you’ll learn how to create a drag-and-drop interface with Vue Draggable, style it with Tailwind CSS, and enhance it with VueUse.
  • Learn from the top industry experts including Alex Kyriakidis, Daniel Kelly, and Anthony Fu amongst many others! The greatest and most expert developers from the Vue.js community teach at Vue School, and over 200,000 students have learned from them already - you can learn from your favorite developers too, free of charge!
  • Get all the latest tips and tricks for maximizing your Vue.js performance, avoiding common gotchas, and shipping fewer bugs. Once you know the common issues you might face along the path of building Vue.js projects, you know exactly how to save time on development and be more efficient while using Vue.js tools.

→ Register for Vue School’s Free Weekendi ← 917+ video lessons, 78 hours of content, and 48 amazing courses await.

See you there!