Vuejs//Berlin May 2023 is around the corner!

Dear Vuesers,

the May meetup is around the corner and we have exciting news for you!

Alex, Senior Frontend-Engineer at OfferZen, will join us virtually via video and talk about Ten Things He Hates About Vue.js!

Alex cut his teeth in the web on Joomla and went on to building front-end apps for small and enterprise clients alike, using all the tools available, from Knockout to Angular, Vue and React, on web and mobile. Lately, he's enjoying time spent on the back-end with Ruby on Rails and MongoDB. A Cape Town native born to Dutch and Russian parents and born again at age 19, he enjoys playing in a social netball league with his wife and four children.

About the talk: Having worked with the Big Three JavaScript frameworks in production over the past six years, on web and mobile, Alex has come to love these ten features of Vue.js and its ecosystem. Inspired by the famous speech at the end of the 90s cult classic "10 Things I Hate About You", he'll detail ten things he "hates" about Vue.js, including single-file components, its simple reactivity model and its shallow learning curve.

We are looking forward to see you all on 9th of May, 19:00 at our fantastic host Wunderdog, Schinkestr. 9, 12047 Berlin. You can, if you feel like it, also try to find us at 52.494186, 13.423742.