Vuejs//Berlin August 2023 is almost here!

Dear Vuesers,

the next meetup is around the corner. On 8th of August, we will meet again, at the Wunderdog office!

Fred will talk about How to build and publish an open source Vue.js plugin:

  • In this talk, we will go through the step-by-step journey of creating a reusable Vue.js plugin. You'll learn how to leverage Vue.js's architecture and design patterns to create a seamless integration with any Vue application.
  • Finally, we'll demystify the publishing process. You'll discover how to package your Vue.js plugin using popular package managers like npm and make it available to the Open Source community to use and contribute.

Slots are open! If you also want to have a talk, even if it's just a 10 minutes presentation of your last cat pic app, let us know!

As always, there will be time for chatting and networking, while having a drink and maybe a slice of pizza.

We're looking forward to seeing you all again!