Big changes are coming!

Dear Vue'sers,

Foremost: please accept my apologies for the chaotic times, the event interruptions and the uncertainty. So lets better start with the good news:

We found a new place!

Thanks to Andrew and Alice from Wikimedia, we will be hosted in their Event space from now on. Stay tuned for more details, but safely put a mark in your calendar for next Tuesday (9th of July)!

Now to the other news…

Meetup changed the pricing model, and unexpectedly tripled(!) the prices for the Standard plan. You can read more about it on their blog:

The pricing change is, in my opinion, by no means justified. I'm currently exploring alternative platforms that meet our needs while remaining cost-effective. If you have any suggestions for meeting management tools or platforms you've had positive experiences with, please feel free to share them. I'll keep everyone updated on our progress in finding a new solution.

Thank you. Your patience and understanding is highly appreciated.


Norman from Vuejs//Berlin